Protection types - IP classification according to ČSN EN 60 529

Protection levels against contact with dangerous parts are indicated by the complementary code in the form of a letter.

The letter added after the second digit of the IP designation indicates the protection level of persons against contact with dangerous parts, e.g. IP 10B.

These letters are used only in the following cases:

* if the actual protection against contact with dangerous parts is higher than that indicated by the first characteristic digit
* if only protection against contact with dangerous parts is specified, the first characteristic digit is then replaced by an X
This higher protection level can be ensured by barriers, spacings inside the housing or suitable shape of the openings.

A - Protected against contact with the back of the hand
B - Protected against contact with fingers
C - Protected against contact with tools
D - Protected against contact with wires

Protection against contact and against penetration of foreign bodiesProtection against water penetration
First digitSecond digit
CodeProtection degreeCodeProtection degree
0No protectionNo protection against contact, no protection against penetration of foreign bodies0No protectionNo protection No protection against water penetration
1Protection against big foreign bodiesProtection against hand contact Protection against foreign bodies with diameter greater than >50mm1Protection against dripping waterProtection against vertically dripping water
2Protection against foreign bodies of medium sizeProtection against finger contact Protection against foreign bodies with diameter greater than >12mm2Protection against obliquely dripping waterProtection against obliquely falling water drops (deviation up to 15° from the vertical)
3Protection against foreign bodiesProtection against contact with tools, wire, etc., for diameter greater than >2.5mm Protection against foreign bodies with diameter greater than >2.5mm3Protection against splashing waterProtection against water splashing in all directions, 60° from vertical
4Protection against grain-shaped foreign bodiesProtection against contact with tools, wire, etc., for diameter greater than >1.0mm Protection against foreign bodies with diameter greater than >1.0mm4Protection against splashing waterProtection against water splashing in all directions
5Protection against dust settlingProtection against contact
Protection against dust settling in the system
5Protection against spurting waterProtection against water spurting (from the jet) in arbitrary bevel-way
6Protection against dust penetrationComplete protection against contact Protection against dust penetration6Protection against floodProtection against water intensively spurting
   7Protection against immersionProtection against temporary immersion
   8Protection against immersionProtection against permanent immersion
   9Water - high-pressure spurting hot 

Classification codes for the declared properties of the piping system according to ČSN EN 61386-1 edition 2

The digit code classifies the conduits and their accessories according to compressive strength, impact strength, minimum and maximum admissible installation temperature.

first digitsecond digitthird digitfourth digitfifth digit
compressive strengthimpact strengthlowest admissible temperaturehighest admissible temperatureresistance to bending
1very low 125 N1very low 0,5 J1+ 5 °C1+ 60 °C1lead
2low 320 N2low 1 J2- 5 °C2+ 90 °C2flexible
3medium 750 N3medium 2 J3- 15 °C3+ 105 °C3flexible/elastic
4high 1250 N4high 6 J4- 25 °C4+ 120 °C4flexible
5very high 4000 N5very high 2,4 J5- 45 °C5+ 150 °C  
      6+ 250 °C  
      7+ 400 °C  

Pipes:   KOPOS typ 1516E - 1563    EN 2241 (320 N)    PVC
             KOPOS typ 4016E - 4063    EN 3341 (750 N)    PVC
             KOPOS typ 8016E - 8063    EN 4441 (1250 N)  PVC

Classification codes for the declared properties of the fixing equipment according to ČSN EN 61386-25

Classification codes for the declared properties of the piping system fixing equipment.

first digitresistance to lateral load2low lateral load
3medium lateral load
4high lateral load
second digitimpact resistance1very low impact strength
2low impact strength
3medium impact strength
4high impact strength
5very high impact strength
third digitrange of low temperatures1+5 °C
2-5 °C
3-15 °C
4-25 °C
5-45 °C
fourth digitrange of high temperatures0+40 °C
1+60 °C
2+90 °C
3+105 °C
4+120 °C
5+150 °C
6+250 °C
7+400 °C
fifth digitcorrosion resistance1low protection inside and outside
2medium protection inside and outside
3medium protection inside, high protection outside
4high protection inside and outside
sixth digitflame spread resistance1flame retardant
2spreading flame
seventh digitresistance to axial load0not specified
1specified by the producer