Flame-spread resistance (Self-snuffing ability):
Flame-spread resistant products cannot flash or if they flash, they cannot further burn, when a source of flame is removed. The test is performed with exactly specified source of flame.
Tested sample passed the test, if:
- it didn’t flash
- in case of flash the flame or glow expires within 30 s after the test source of flame is removed, the packing paper didn’t flash and the board under tested sample isn’t chard
Excess heat and combustion resistance:
Parts of isolation material that could be subject of heat stress caused by electrical effects and that could break safety are not allowed to be affected too much by excessive heat and combustion. The test is performed using flaming loop.
Tested sample passed the flaming loop test, if:
- no flame or lasting glow is visible
- flames and glow on tested sample expire within 30 s after the flaming loop is removed
- the silk paper didn’t flash and the board under tested sample isn’t chard
Heat resistance:
Isolation material parts necessary for fixing power current parts and/or protective circuit parts in their position are subject of steel ball compression test.
Tested sample passed the test, if the impress diameter caused by the ball doesn’t exceed given size under given temperature.